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This one's for you.

It's a heavy load hauling the debris of hatred. I know you come here to find it.

I've piled it in the field

where you'll find my forgiveness.

Carrying the carnage of revenge.

Rotten flesh and nasty shoes

I shake off what I can and leave the rest for you.

Ravens, crows and those turkey vultures make easy friends but

they'll see right through that hole in your chest.

Locked in the attic

there was plenty of time to own an emotion so


so toxic

so pathetic

it manifested in you

on the other side of the door

and he died

suffering. So will you.

My fingers bleed

roasted seed

scorched on the rocks of your hallow ground.

My intention. No.

your assumption is bloating

an ego so fat

to assume you know what I meant somehow it was all about you.

No intentions to deceive

although it may be perceived that it was my default all along. Because you deserved it.

God worked it that way with the help of the trees, doors and signs on the wall, a stupid picture to ink on your arm.

So many out there, I feel you lurking.

It would humor you to know

that I'm still taking risks

and failing like I did with you.

And you

and you

and you.

But I've won the grand prize

I've never assumed I know what anything is.

Well, maybe gravy.

I know what gravy is.

Ya need a lot of shelves....saving all those jars

scraping labels for new names.

Fill them with moonshine

top them off with lentils

or crushed egg shells.

Save everything

even the bones.

Skeletons of your lies, dried hanging in the tree.

I've crushed the memories like brittle bones to sprinkle on my garden.

to keep the lizards away.

Save everything even your clothes. Save everything even your hair.

so I can spell bind you as I sit there

in your head where I've been forever

for some reason. You left me alone but won't let me go

and you come here looking.

You burden me

same with you

same with you and you

you burden me

no one intention was ill willed for you

but it was my default and all your fault for projecting your evil my way.

I drove over your burden like a speed bump but can't help but look back and want to relive,

to better understand what a complete jerk you are.

Took another shot at the target with that old 12 gauge. I hit it every time

but that once when I missed.

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