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Careful with that Ax Eugene

This is me free-writing......

So, when I can' sleep at night I generally find myself surfing the internet for disturbing but useful information about how we humans are destroying each other, the earth and every critter on it. Yeah, good stuff for a chronically depressed woman to fill her head with. I'm still disappointed the world didn't end on 12-21-12. Maybe tomorrow. Or better, maybe tonight before I post this free written, scathing opinion blurb on tattooing and all the sadomasochists out there using their creative art genius to permanently destroy peoples epidermis.

So, for years now I've had a love hate relationship with a career I choose back in 1992. Out of desperation to fit in and make a living, I started getting tattooed and quickly learned to hack others up permanently with what we discover today, is highly toxic pigment that cruises your blood stream to clog your lymphatic system and cause you more agonizing issues to add to your ever increasing list of chronic illnesses. Yes, that's right...tattoos not only mark you for life as an attention seeking pain junkie but they destroy your health by inflaming and clogging your bodies waste management, the lymphatic system. No wonder heavily tattooed people are so grumpy, we're not only wandering around wondering what the hell we did to the largest and most important organ of our bodies but our innards are screaming on a cellular level that we're not only stupid and vain for getting tattooed, we've damaged our lives -literally- with a new but sluggish and colorful plumbing system. Like an ice jam on the Connecticut River in March (more like June today thanks to GLOBAL COOLING) , too much toxic nano particles and metallic salts in that tribal black ink will pump your lymph nodes full of that arm band you picked off the wall in 1998. And having that dated crap lasered off will cause a true bottle neck of toxic waste into your already jammed lymph nodes. It's a lose lose situation.

I've been writing about all the interesting ramifications of getting tattooed for over 15 years now and hoarded all my expressions, gripes, prose and honesty on my Lenovo, but atlas.... no more! The time has come to stop trying to be gentle with tattoo collectors and the plethora of ultra creative ego-sadomasochistic tattoo artists. Even if they come up with a totally amazing, health beneficial pigment to inject into the skin for all your tattoo needs and desires, it's still attention seeking, pain seeking and totally ego-maniacal not to mention unnecessary. A big issue I've always had with being a part of the wave that's coming against tattooing is that there's literally two or three tattooers I absolutely love and care about, still. I know these people have only the best intentions for themselves, their clients and the industry. I know these people tattoo clean and professionally and are simply making an honest living being incredibly talented artists. They know who they are in my book. The rest of you can piss off and find more meaningful work that actually benefits humanity. The tattoo canoe has tipped, ya'll. The gravy train is ending.

So, that's writing my hateful gripes and issues then blasting them like the quantum conscious particulates they are into the ether of the internet....

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